
I Want I Want

I want to see the stars in Argentina I want to taste the water from Egypt I want to look at the leopards in Zimbabwe I want to hold the children in China I want to taste the sugar from Cuba I want to look at the fields in Russia I want to have a belly laugh I want to touch someone I want to live without regret I want to live

Happy Birthday Ladybug

There is a very special little lady in my life who celebrated her second birthday today. Her name is Lauren, and since her birth day, my family & I have grown fond of calling her LuLu. Almost everyone calls her LuLu, and she is SUCH a LuLu! My dad calls her Cap'n Lu, and her four-year-old sister has taken to calling her Loofie. We call her the Loofa Doof, Lu, Lula, and of course - the baby. I came up with a little nickname for her, which is so long I never use it. I call her my Little LuLu Lily Ladybug. LuLu is my mother's brother's child, but she is more like a niece and less of a cousin. It's been such a treat to watch her and her sister, Catie, grow. They live right down the street from me so I have been able to be present (or at least quickly informed) of every milestone. This past Halloween, LuLu was dressed up as a peacock and there is a picture of her making a mean face in her peacock costume. She looks like Baby Godzilla. I'm pretty sure her first word...

Town Meeting

I appeared in front of the Committee But they would not allow me to be heard I had reasons, justifications, and questions, But they had no interest in my concerns They brushed me off as they went ahead Disregarding me from the start They forgot or did not care, Of the Committee, I was part. "I am the strongest member!" I cried. "My vote counts more than yours!" But the Committee members laughed at me Unshaken by my words. I marched up to the podium Screamed until I had no voice The Comittee looked at me wide eyed, And the Committee stopped making noise. 

Evil Kids

I've always been a big fan of horror movies. When I was younger, I used to watch this movie called Murder By Phone, which my research from IMBD indicates, is about a former phone company employee designing a device that kills people when they pick up the phone. And it's up to some guy to stop the killer... All I really remember about the movie was the phone ringing and people picking it up saying "Hello?" and immediately suffering some horrible death. I used to call it "The Lady Scream" presumably because ladies did quite a bit of screaming throughout the film. My mother likes to retell the story of how she had a friend over and I came out of the family room and said "Mumma, can you put on The Lady Scream?" Over time, my tastes in horror movies matured a little bit. I still liked bad music in combination with predictable mistakes and scenarios - but also ventured into some more in depth horror films. My favourite horror movie is called The Descen...

Beautiful Moments

My little nieces were sleeping over. CR is four and Lee will be two in May. We had moved the baby's crib up to my bedroom, so she could sleep there. CR had elected to sleep with my sister in her bed. Sometime in the middle of the night, I heard Lee rolling around and murmuring. She had a cold and she was whining and saying "Mumma". It was strange, since she usually sleeps like a rock. I waited a few minutes to see if she'd fall back asleep, and when she didn't, I reluctantly got out of bed. I leaned into her crib and she immediately stood up and reached up with her little arms. I was exhausted, and I picked her up, wiped her nose, and carried her into bed with me. I have a habit of talking to children as if they are adults, and understand the concepts associated with what I am saying. I said to the baby, "It's not play time, it's bed time okay?" She nodded her head and said "mmm-hmm," which she had just learned. She murmured to me in ba...


I heard the words before I heard you I had not really listened Then like children they were new Day to next and then different Sharks in words swimming in my mind Run, run, run like rabbits no end These words were always more yours than they were mine I'd like you to take them back again


I heard the words before I heard you But I never really listened And then I heard the words like new I listened to them different They were not my words at the start They will not be at the end Sometimes I wish I never heard the words And wish I could give them back again