
Take a look at my stitches, baby
They're healing up pretty nice
Run your hand over every one
Aren't they kind of - sort of - morbidly pretty?
Raw and jagged
They hardly hurt anymore
I barely even notice them
The worst part is over -
The panic
before a collision
Metal crunching
The first sound of glass cracking
The shock and pain
Sometimes before the blood and sometimes long after
Unneven tears in flesh
Pain so unfamiliar it does not register
Cracking bones
Muscles ripping
Everything will fall apart
Everything is out of place and out of control
Sometimes you leave the worst of the wounds
They don't seem that bad
The second skin of hurt
Muscles pressing into bones
Cracks and creaks
But then it gets infected
From the inside out and upside down
They ripped everything open again
Rebroke bones and reset them right
The bad cut out & the good sealed in
I'll be scarred up something awful I bet
But it doesn't worry me
So go ahead,
Take a look at my stitches, baby
They're healing up okay I think


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